New Gym goers!!

New Gym goers!!

Here's a list of fitness slang and terms you might encounter:


1. **Gainz** - Slang for muscle gains achieved through strength training.

2. **Broscience** - Anecdotal beliefs or practices in fitness without scientific backing.

3. **DOMS** - Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, the muscle pain and stiffness that occurs 12-24 hours after intense exercise.

4. **HIIT** - High-Intensity Interval Training, a workout technique alternating between intense bursts of activity and fixed periods of less-intense activity or rest.

5. **PR** - Personal Record, the best performance achieved by an individual in a specific exercise.

6. **Cutting** - A phase in fitness where someone reduces body fat to improve muscle definition.

7. **Bulking** - A phase in fitness where someone increases calorie intake to gain muscle mass.

8. **AMRAP** - As Many Rounds (or Reps) As Possible, a type of workout where you do as many rounds or reps of a set of exercises within a set time.

9. **Superset** - A workout technique where you do two exercises back-to-back without rest.

10. **Macros** - Short for macronutrients, referring to carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which are the three primary components of food that provide energy.

11. **Cut** - To reduce body fat, often used in the context of "cutting phase."

12. **Bulk** - To increase muscle mass, often used in the context of "bulking phase."


These terms are commonly used in fitness communities and can help you better understand discussions and articles related to fitness.


Thank you for reading, and best of luck on your fitness journey!

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